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For 1990-2009 cars only

Evaporative Emission Control System Description FWD

EVAP System Function

The evaporative emission (EVAP) control system limits fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. The fuel tank vapors are allowed to move from a sealed fuel tank, due to pressure in the tank , through a vapor pipe into the EVAP canister. Carbon in the canister absorbs and stores the fuel vapors. Excess pressure is vented through the vent line and vent valve to atmosphere. The EVAP canister stores the fuel vapors until the engine is able to use them.

EVAP System Operation

When the engine is operating in Closed Loop and the engine coolant temperature is more than 74°C (165°F), the powertrain control module (PCM) initiates purging of the stored fuel vapors. In order to purge the fuel system vapors, the PCM commands the purge valve ON, OPEN, allowing engine vacuum to be applied to the EVAP canister. With the EVAP vent valve OFF, OPEN, fresh air will be drawn through the EVAP canister air filter and vent valve into the EVAP canister. Manifold vacuum continues to pull fresh air through the canister pulling fuel vapors from the carbon. The air/fuel vapor mixture passes through the purge line and purge valve into the intake manifold to be consumed during the normal combustion process.

Object Number: 1459489  Size: SH
(1)Fill Limiter Vent Valve (FLVV)
(2)EVAP Canister
(3)Restrictor Orifice
(4)On-Board Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) Vent Line Inlet Port
(5)Vent Control Valve

Atmospheric pressure (4) is allowed into the canister in order to ensure that purge flow is consistently maintained whenever purge vacuum is applied to the canister. The PCM will change the duty ratio cycle of the purge solenoid valve, controlling the purge flow volume. Purge flow volume is determined by manifold pressure, the purge solenoid duty ratio cycle, and the restrictor passage (3) in the canister. The restrictor passage prevents a large volume of vapor from suddenly entering the intake manifold and affecting the airfuel ratio.

EVAP System Components

The EVAP control system consists of the following components:

EVAP Canister

The EVAP canister is filled with carbon pellets used to absorb and store fuel vapors. Fuel vapors are stored in the EVAP canister until the PCM determines that the vapor can be consumed in the normal combustion process.

EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Valve

The EVAP canister purge valve controls the flow of fuel vapors from the EVAP system to the intake manifold. The purge solenoid valve is low side controlled by the PCM, using a pulse width modulated (PWM) or duty cycle circuit. The purge solenoid valve is also opened during some portions of the EVAP system testing.

EVAP Vacuum Leak Pump Assembly

Object Number: 1459490  Size: SH
(1)Leak Pump Assembly Electrical Connector
(2)EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
(3)Fresh Air Inlet Port
(4)EVAP Canister Port
(5)O-ring Seal
(6)Vacuum Pump
(7)Vacuum Leak Pump Motor
(8)FTP Sensor

The EVAP vacuum leak pump assembly contains the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor, the canister vent solenoid, and an electric motor driven vacuum pump. The vacuum pump provides pressure for leak testing when the engine has been OFF for approximately five hours. The pump assembly also has several internal filters and a 0.5 mm (0.020 inch) reference orifice. The reference orifice provides controlled movement of the pressure within the system, enabling the FTP sensor to accurately monitor system performance. The complete pump assembly is mounted on the EVAP canister, eliminating the need for additional hoses or lines for connections.

EVAP Vacuum Leak Pump

The vacuum pump is driven by a 12 volt brush less motor that is high side controlled by the PCM. The pump is a vane type design capable of producing at least 33.50 mm Hg (18 in H2O) of vacuum pressure.

EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Valve

Object Number: 1456208  Size: SH
(1)Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor
(2)EVAP Vacuum Leak Pump Assembly
(3)EVAP Canister Vent Valve Port to Canister

The EVAP canister vent valve is an integral part of the EVAP vacuum leak pump assembly (2). The vent valve controls the flow of clean air into or out of (3) the EVAP canister. The vent valve is normally open. Under certain conditions the PCM commands the vent valve closed in order to seal the EVAP system for leak diagnosis.

Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor

The fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor, measures the difference between the fuel tank and outside air pressure. The FTP sensor is an integral part of the EVAP vacuum leak pump assembly. The PCM provides a 5-volt reference and a ground to the FTP sensor. The FTP sensor provides a signal voltage back to the PCM that can vary between 0.1 and 4.9 volts. As the fuel tank pressure increases, the FTP sensor voltage decreases, as the fuel tank pressure decreases the FTP sensor voltage increases. High pressure = high voltage. Low pressure vacuum = low voltage.

Fuel Tank Vapor Space

FTP mmHg

FTP Signal Voltage


Positive Value


No Pressure

Near Zero



Negative Value


EVAP Filter

Object Number: 1456195  Size: SH

The EVAP filter (1) is attached to the EVAP canister and provides clean air for the purging of fuel vapors. Excess pressure in the EVAP system also flows thru the EVAP filter and is released into the atmosphere. The filter element is a sealed unit and is not serviceable separately.

EVAP Service Port

The EVAP service port is located underhood in the EVAP purge line, between the EVAP purge solenoid valve and the EVAP canister. The service port is identified by a green colored cap.

EVAP System Diagnostic Strategy

Object Number: 1459492  Size: SH
(1)Air and Vapor
(4)EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Valve
(6)Reference Orifice
(7)Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor
(8)Vacuum Leak Pump Motor

During normal EVAP system operation the EVAP canister vent valve (4) is OPEN allowing the flow of fresh air (2) into the EVAP canister. If the EVAP canister purge valve is also OPEN, the fresh air will mix with vapors stored in the canister and flow (1) from the canister to the intake manifold. The FTP sensor (7) is used to monitor system operation and the vacuum leak pump (8) provides vacuum pressure for leak detection.

The PCM performs several diagnostic tests in order to determine if the EVAP system is functioning correctly or leaking. When certain operating criteria are met before engine shutdown, the PCM will run a comprehensive series of tests when the following conditions are met:

    • Five hours have elapsed after the engine was turned Off
    • Altitude is less than 2,400 meters (8,000 feet)
    • Battery voltage is more than 10.5 volts
    • Engine coolant temperature is between 4-35°C (40-95°F)
    • Intake air temperature is between 4-35°C (40-95°F)
    • The ignition remains OFF for the duration of the test

The internal timer responsible for the sequencing of the EVAP system diagnostic routine is monitored by the PCM. If the PCM detects a fault in the internal timer, a DTC P2610 will set.

Vacuum Leak Pump and Reference Orifice Test

The first two events of the EVAP system diagnostic checks the operation of the vacuum leak pump and for a restriction in the reference orifice. With the purge solenoid and the vent solenoid both OFF, atmospheric pressure should enter the EVAP system and be detected by the FTP sensor. If atmospheric pressure is not detected, the reference orifice may be plugged. During event two, the vacuum leak pump is turned ON and the FTP sensor should indicate negative pressure within a specified value. If the pressure change is too small, a DTC P043E can set. If the pressure change is too large, a DTC P043F can set. If atmospheric pressure is measured in event one, but no negative pressure is measured in event two, an inoperative vacuum leak pump is indicated, and a DTC P2401 can set. If there is a sudden large increase in negative pressure when the pump is turned ON, a stuck on vent solenoid may be indicated and a DTC P2419 can set.

Diagnostic Event Sequence

Event One

Event Two

EVAP Purge Solenoid



EVAP Vent Solenoid



Vacuum Leak Pump



FTP Sensor

Atmospheric Pressure

Small Negative Pressure Change

Large Leak test

Event three tests for a large leak in the EVAP system. The PCM commands the EVAP vent valve ON, CLOSED, sealing the EVAP system. This allows the vacuum pump to create a large increase in negative pressure. If the expected increase in negative pressure is not achieved, a large leak is indicated and a DTC P0455 can set. If there is no change in pressure when the vent solenoid is turned ON, the vent solenoid may be inoperative and a DTC P2420 can set.

Diagnostic Event Sequence

Event Two

Event Three

EVAP Purge Solenoid



EVAP Vent Solenoid



Vacuum Leak Pump



FTP Sensor

Small Negative Pressure Change

Negative Pressure Increase and Hold

Small Leak Test

If the large leak test passes, the PCM will continue to monitor the FTP sensor signal in order to determine if there is small leak. If a specified minimum value is not achieved or the minimum value can not be maintained, a DTC P0456 can set. This diagnostic can detect leaks as small as 0.5 millimeter (0.020 inch) between the fuel fill cap and the purge valve.

Diagnostic Event Sequence

Event Two

Event Three

EVAP Purge Solenoid



EVAP Vent Solenoid



Vacuum Leak Pump



FTP Sensor

Small Negative Pressure Change

Negative Pressure Increase and Hold

EVAP Purge Valve Test

In event four of the EVAP system diagnostic, the purge solenoid is turned ON, OPEN, causing a drop in negative pressure. If the FTP sensor does not detect a significant decrease in vacuum pressure, a DTC P0441 will set.

Diagnostic Event Sequence

Event Three

Event Four

EVAP Purge Solenoid



EVAP Vent Solenoid



Vacuum Leak Pump



FTP Sensor

Negative Pressure Increase and Hold

Negative Pressure is Released

Final Test

In event five all of the EVAP components return to the same state they were in event one. Because the vacuum pump remained ON in event four, the FTP sensor still detected a small vacuum. Now, with all components OFF, the pressure should return to atmosphere, indicating there are is no blockage or restrictions in the EVAP system.

Diagnostic Event Sequence

Event Four

Event Five

EVAP Purge Solenoid



EVAP Vent Solenoid



Vacuum Leak Pump



FTP Sensor

Very Small Negative Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure

FTP Sensor Monitor

The performance of the FTP sensor is monitored continuously and regularly. The FTP sensor signal circuit is continuously monitored and DTC P0450, P0452, or P0453 will set if an out of range voltage is detected. DTC P0451 diagnostic monitors the FTP sensor signal voltage for a fixed or skewed value.

Evaporative Emission Control System Description AWD

EVAP System Operation

The evaporative emission (EVAP) control system limits fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. The fuel tank vapors are allowed to move from a sealed fuel tank, due to pressure in the tank , through a vapor pipe into the EVAP canister. Carbon in the canister absorbs and stores the fuel vapors. Excess pressure is vented through the vent line and vent valve to atmosphere. The EVAP canister stores the fuel vapors until the engine is able to use them.

At an appropriate time the powertrain control module (PCM) commands the purge valve ON, open allowing engine vacuum to be applied to the EVAP canister. With the EVAP vent valve OFF, open, fresh air will be drawn through the vent valve and vent line to the EVAP canister. The fresh air is drawn through the canister pulling fuel vapors from the carbon. The air/fuel vapor mixture continues through the purge pipe and purge valve into the intake manifold to be consumed during the normal combustion process.

The PCM uses several tests to determine if the EVAP system is leaking.

Large Leak test

This tests for large leaks and blockages in the EVAP system. The PCM will command the EVAP vent valve ON, closed and the purge valve and the vacuum pressure switching solenoid ON, open with the engine running. This allows engine vacuum into the EVAP system. The PCM then commands the purge valve OFF, closed sealing the system. The PCM then monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor signal in order to determine if there is vacuum decay. A rise or rapid increase in pressure indicates there is a large leak in the evaporative emission system. If the PCM detects the vacuum level was not achieved and vacuum decay was evident for two consecutive trips, the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will be illuminated, and a DTC P0442 will set.

Small Leak Test

If the large leak test passes the PCM will continue to monitor the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor signal in order to determine if there is vacuum decay. A slight increase or rise in pressure indicates there is a small leak in the evaporative emission system. The EVAP control system is required to detect evaporative emission fuel system leaks as small as 0.5 millimeter (0.020 inch) between the fuel fill cap and the purge valve. If the PCM detects vacuum decay was evident for two consecutive trips, the MIL will be illuminated, and a DTC P0456 will set.

EVAP Purge Valve Operation

If the EVAP purge valve does not seal properly, fuel vapors could enter the engine at an undesired time, causing driveability concerns. The PCM tests for this by commanding the vent valve closed and the pressure switching valve open causing a vacuum, in the entire EVAP system. The PCM continues to operate the purge valve until the vacuum is lowered to a specific point, at which time the purge valve is commanded closed. The PCM monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor. If the PCM does not detect a drop in vacuum , or the vacuum increased beyond the specified limit, for two consecutive trips, the MIL will be illuminated, and a DTC P0441 will set.

EVAP Vent Valve Operation

If the EVAP vent system is restricted the fuel vapors will not be properly purged. When the vapor pressure rises to a specified point, the PCM commands the vent valve OFF, OPEN, and monitors the fuel tank pressure (FTP) sensor signal. Vacuum will decrease rapidly because of the air allowed into the system. No decrease in vacuum or a decrease below a specified rate indicates a restriction on the air inlet side. If the PCM does not detect a decrease in vacuum, or the vacuum level does not change for two consecutive trips, the MIL will be illuminated, and a DTC P0446 will set.

Pressure Switching Solenoid Operation

The EVAP pressure switching solenoid is OFF, closed during engine warm up. with the pressure switching solenoid closed, vacuum pressure is blocked from entering the fuel tank and pressure in the fuel tank will rise. The FTP sensor will see a significant decrease in pressure in the tank only when the pressure switching solenoid is ON, OPEN, during a purge event. If the pressure switching solenoid malfunctions during this portion of the EVAP system operation, a DTC P0442 and DTC P0441 can set.

During the DTC P0446 portion of the EVAP system diagnostic the pressure switching solenoid is ON. This enables the FTP sensor to see a rapid decrease in vacuum, when the air from the EVAP vent solenoid enters the tank. When the PCM commands the pressure switching solenoid OFF, the FTP sensor should see the vacuum pressure stabilize and not continue to decrease. If the FTP sensor still sees a significant decrease in vacuum, the PCM concludes the solenoid did not close and sets a DTC  P0446.

EVAP System Components

The EVAP control system consists of the following components:

EVAP Canister

The EVAP canister is filled with carbon pellets used to absorb and store fuel vapors. Fuel vapors are stored in the EVAP canister until the PCM determines that the vapor can be consumed in the normal combustion process.

EVAP Canister Purge Valve

The EVAP canister purge valve controls the flow of fuel vapors from the EVAP system, to the intake manifold. The PCM will change the duty ratio cycle of the purge valve, controlling the purge flow volume. Purge flow volume is determined by manifold pressure, and the purge valves duty ratio cycle. Atmospheric pressure is allowed into the canister to ensure that purge flow is consistently maintained when ever purge vacuum is applied to the canister. The purge valve will also be opened during some portions of the EVAP system testing, allowing engine vacuum to enter the EVAP system.

EVAP Canister Vent Valve

The EVAP canister vent valve controls the flow of fresh air that passes through the EVAP canister. The vent valve is normally open. The PCM will command the EVAP canister vent valve closed during some EVAP tests, in order to seal the EVAP system for leak diagnosis.

EVAP Pressure Switching Solenoid

The EVAP pressure switching solenoid opens the evaporative line between the fuel tank and the EVAP canister. When the EVAP pressure switching solenoid is closed, air is blocked from entering the tank side of the system.

Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor

The Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP) Sensor, measures the difference between the fuel tank and outside air pressure. The PCM provides a 5-volt reference and a ground to the FTP sensor. The FTP sensor provides a signal voltage back to the PCM that can vary between 0.1 and 4.9 volts. As the fuel tank pressure increases, the FTP sensor voltage decreases, as the fuel tank pressure decreases the FTP sensor voltage increases. High pressure = high voltage. Low pressure vacuum = low voltage.

EVAP Service Port

The EVAP service port is located in the EVAP purge pipe, between the EVAP purge valve and the EVAP canister. The service port is identified by a green colored cap.